Friday, August 21, 2015

Novena to Saint Augustine of Hippo Day 3


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A particular state in life is a reflection of Martha and Mary in the Gospel.  Jesus called the attention of Martha who grumbled at Mary taking with Jesus.  This image of Martha and Mary had been upheld by St Augustine both as a monk and as someone actively involved in giving life to the Church through his writings and good works.

How do I strive a healthy balance between my action, contemplation and action approach  to life? (Pause for a while)

Reading: From the Book “IF AUGUSTINE WERE ALIVE”
Augustinian-oriented contemplation also demands that we put ourselves at the service of others through apostolate.  No one should be given to contemplation. Augustine remarks, that they give no thought to their neighbor needs.  The search for truth in himself requires intense activity, but the truth, which may be discerned, is not to be considered a private possession.  It is to be shared with others.  This responsibility may weigh especially on those who have real talents for teaching or writing or counseling, even among those who live strictly contemplative life.  As Jesus, points out, no great fears are demand of anyone.  But all without exception will be judge by their concern or lack of it for God’s little one.  Therefore, Augustine tell us, “When you have found your way back to yourself, don’t stay locked within yourself…Turn to the one who made you. (Moments of Silence)


Lord, have mercy on us  
Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us                                                      
Christ, have mercy on us

God the Father of Heaven                                                  
Have mercy on us

God the Son, Redeemer of the World                                  
Have mercy on us

God, the Holy Spirit                                                              
Have mercy on us

Holy Trinity, one God                                                            
Have mercy on us

Mary, Mother of Jesus                                                          
Pray for us

Mary, Mother of Consolation                                                
Pray for us

Mary, Mother of Good Counsel                                              
Pray for us

St. Augustine, bright star of the Church                                
Pray for us

St. Augustine, filled with zeal for God’s glory                        
Pray for us

St. Augustine, dauntless defender of the truth                    
Pray for us

St. Augustine, the triumph of divine grace                            
Pray for us

St. Augustine, on fire with the love of God                            
Pray for us

St. Augustine, so great and so humble                                  
Pray for us

St. Augustine, prince of bishops and doctors                        
Pray for us

St. Augustine, father of monastic life                                      
Pray for us

St. Augustine, holiest of the wise and wisest of the holy      
Pray for us

Pray for us St. Augustine
That may become worthy of the promises of Christ.

ALL: God our Father, we praise and thank you for giving the church a great Saint.  AS we strive to live his spirit and charism, grant us the grace to grow in our integration of prayer of prayer and action according to the example of Saint Augustine.  We ask this in the name of Jesus your Son, our Lord and Savior.  Amen.

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