Saturday, August 22, 2015

Novena to Saint Monica

Day 5

Today we pray for those whose sins make them feel unworthy to come
to God. May they feel the warm embrace of Our Father’s loving
forgiveness. (Pray Novena Prayers)

Novena Prayer

Exemplary mother of the Great Augustine, you perseveringly
pursued your wayward son…not with wild threats but with
prayerful cries to heaven. Intercede for all mothers in our day so
that they may learn to draw their children to God.
Teach us to remain close to all God’s children, even the prodigal
sons and daughters who have sadly gone astray.
Dear St. Monica, troubled wife and mother, many sorrows
pierced your heart during your lifetime. Yet, you never despaired
or lost faith. With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion of your beloved husband,
Patricius and your beloved son, Augustine.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience, and trust in the Lord. Intercede
for me, dear St. Monica, that God may favorably hear my
plea for (names of those you are praying for) and grant me the grace
to accept His will in all things, through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever. Amen

Mother of Saint Augustine of Hippo 

St. Monica was born into a Christian family in Tagaste, Algeria, across the Mediterranean Sea from Rome, in 332 AD. She married a pagan, a minor Roman government official named Patricius. Christians were few and far between in those days. The marriage was blessed with three children; the oldest and most famous was Augustine. Patricius was not a model husband yet Monica prayed ceaselessly for his conversion. Her sweet piety, patience, and persistence paid off. One day, Patricius accepted baptism but he died a year after. Her son Augustine was a constant concern for Monica. Brilliant and likable, Augustine followed the example of his father. He refused to accept baptism and lived a passionate life with his mistress. For years Monica prayed, fasted, and cried silently for Augustine. God was listening. He heard and finally answered these prayers of this faithful mother. Augustine, abandoning his sinful ways, accepted baptism from St. Ambrose of Milan, on Easter Sunday, 387 AD. Augustine’s mother, St. Monica, died shortly after at the age of 55, secure in the knowledge that her son had heard God’s call and her work on earth was finished. In addition to lapsed Catholics, St. Monica is the patroness of troubled parents, battered wives, despondent mothers, widows, and alcoholics. Her feast is celebrated on August 27.

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