Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Novena to Saint Augustine of Hippo Day 6


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Humility is attained only in battle.  The importance of tribulations in your spiritual life lies in the fact that only through such trials do you acquire true humility.  You see clearly the futility of your own efforts and the importance of God becoming your Savior…Prided is the ultimate temptation that is never conquered. (Pause)

For Augustine, humility does not consist in putting ourselves down, having a poor self-image of ourselves, failing to appreciate or develop our God-given talents and other gifts.  Augustine even accuses people who act like immature adults “milk drinkers” instead of mature adults who take solid foods to nourish themselves and make progress in their faith. His description of humility is simple and straightforward, “No one is telling you: be less than you are, but to know that you are man, know yourself in sinner.  Know that it He (God) who frees you from blame; Know that you are tarnished.  Let your confession  reveal the stain of your heart, and you will belong to the flock of God” (end of the reading)

Moments of reflection-If humility is truth, how do I make this come alive in terms of my relationship with others in community?


Lord, have mercy on us  
Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us                                                      
Christ, have mercy on us

God the Father of Heaven                                                  
Have mercy on us

God the Son, Redeemer of the World                                  
Have mercy on us

God, the Holy Spirit                                                              
Have mercy on us

Holy Trinity, one God                                                            
Have mercy on us

Mary, Mother of Jesus                                                          
Pray for us

Mary, Mother of Consolation                                                
Pray for us

Mary, Mother of Good Counsel                                              
Pray for us

St. Augustine, bright star of the Church                                
Pray for us

St. Augustine, filled with zeal for God’s glory                        
Pray for us

St. Augustine, dauntless defender of the truth                    
Pray for us

St. Augustine, the triumph of divine grace                            
Pray for us

St. Augustine, on fire with the love of God                            
Pray for us

St. Augustine, so great and so humble                                  
Pray for us

St. Augustine, prince of bishops and doctors                        
Pray for us

St. Augustine, father of monastic life                                      
Pray for us

St. Augustine, holiest of the wise and wisest of the holy      
Pray for us

Pray for us St. Augustine
That may become worthy of the promises of Christ.


Incline our hearts to your goodness, O Lord and turn our eyes from vanities and pride that we may be followers of your words.  Learn from me because I am weak and humble of heart.  Grant that we may grow daily  in the virtue of humility so dear to the heart of our Father Saint Augustine.  Amen.


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