Thursday, August 27, 2015

Novena to Saint Augustine of Hippo - Day 9


In the name of the father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.


Augustine was always mindful of his companions in poverty.  He gave to them by taking from what was set aside for his own use and that of those who lived with him, that is, the income from the goods of the Church and the offerings of the faithful.  Sometimes when the church had no money, he informed the faithful that he had nothing more that he could give to the poor.  In order to help a great number of poor people, he had some sacred vesselsbroken up and melted down. What he then received from the sale, he distributed to the needy.

Augustine’s solidarity with the people is felt keenly in these words.  My brothers, let your primary purpose, be openness with the needs of the poor…Focus your attention on Christ, who is hungry and suffering.

Let us pause for some moments to allow these words of our patron Saint to enter into our consciousness and move our hearts and will to a compassionate response to the human condition of the people.

We are rightly urged to practice solidarity with the poor.  But this solidarity must not be limited to those materially poor.  As has been indicated above, it should also embrace the ignorant, the insecure, the lonely, the ill, those who suffer from failure sinners.  The whole area justice and peace comes to mind here, an area that has been brought more and more to the forefront of our awareness in recent years.  But as must be clear, we cannot attempt to speak out to others on this matter unless we have already set our own house in order.  Our whole attitude toward the under-privileged, the exceptional, minority groups, those who work with us and for us, needs to undergo close scrutiny, for it is precisely in this very personal area that the quest for the greater justice in the world must begin.  When we take this aspect of our lives seriously, then our solidarity with all the poor in the society, will take on a new and more significant meaning.  (End of the reading).

Let us stay quiet for a moment and ask ourselves.  If Augustine were alive, how would he respond to the poor in our place of work, and in our own communities?


Lord, have mercy on us  
Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us                                                      
Christ, have mercy on us

God the Father of Heaven                                                  
Have mercy on us

God the Son, Redeemer of the World                                  
Have mercy on us

God, the Holy Spirit                                                              
Have mercy on us

Holy Trinity, one God                                                            
Have mercy on us

Mary, Mother of Jesus                                                          
Pray for us

Mary, Mother of Consolation                                                
Pray for us

Mary, Mother of Good Counsel                                              
Pray for us

St. Augustine, bright star of the Church                                
Pray for us

St. Augustine, filled with zeal for God’s glory                        
Pray for us

St. Augustine, dauntless defender of the truth                    
Pray for us

St. Augustine, the triumph of divine grace                            
Pray for us

St. Augustine, on fire with the love of God                            
Pray for us

St. Augustine, so great and so humble                                  
Pray for us

St. Augustine, prince of bishops and doctors                        
Pray for us

St. Augustine, father of monastic life                                      
Pray for us

St. Augustine, holiest of the wise and wisest of the holy      
Pray for us

Pray for us St. Augustine
That may become worthy of the promises of Christ.


ALL: Lord, renew in your Church the spirit you gave St. Augustine.  Filled with his spirit, may we thirst for you alone as fountain of wisdom and seek you as the source of eternal love so that we will be open to the needs of the people in our communities.  We ask you this through Christ our Lord, our friend and brother.  Amen.

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